Monday 31 October 2011

Church 2.0

Just read Vicky Beeching's latest blog post and found myself drawn very strongly to the idea of 'Church 2.0'.

I have no doubt that 'church' as many of us know it has to change in order to prevent itself slipping further into a mire of tedium and irrelevance. Much of the work that comes under the banner of 'Fresh Expressions' is seeking to effect these changes, to create 'church' that is more appealing to and more able to meet the needs of the great swathe of our country that are 'unchurched' But there is just as much need for forms of 'church' that can hold on to those who are currently part of our fellowships. I, for one, do, on occasions, get frightfully disengaged by what goes on on Sundays.

My major concern (if that's the right word) is how we begin to move away from Church 1.0 in the kind of congregations with whom I minister - to be honest mainly retired and mainly technologically pre-literate. Having a data projector in worship is more than enough for some, let alone interacting with each other or (heaven forfend) thinking about using social media in the service of Christ.

Maybe there's an opportunity for those of us who do make use of it - however clumsily, haltingly or (at times) wrongly (mea maxima culpa) - to seek to demonstrate its use and effectiveness.

All is not lost, though: I have at times been pleasantly surprised when I've, in effect, said at the end of the sermon "What do you think?" and conversations and testimonies have started from what I thought the most unlikely people. Maybe, in the words of Brian McLaren, they are 'more ready than you realise'?

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